#1 Best Self Publishing Company

#1 best self publishing company
#1 Best Self Publishing Company

Top Consumer Reviews just sent us the following press release as notification that for another year in a row they have determined Outskirts Press to be the #1 best self publishing company.  Thank you, Top Consumer Reviews. We agree.

Outskirts Press, a professional provider of Self Publishing services, receives a best-in-class 5-star rating from TopConsumerReviews.com.


TopConsumerReviews.com recently awarded their highest five-star rating to Outskirts Press, an industry leader in Self Publishing services.

“We’re very happy to receive TopConsumerReviews.com’s highest rating,” said Lora Gallagher, Marketing Manager for Outskirts Press.  “Our company provides access to a large array of customizable self publishing tools from printing, formatting, marketing assistance and much more.  We also work hard to provide our authors high quality publishing services that don’t break their budget. Thank you for recognizing our self publishing services!”

Self publishing companies exist today in abundance to help authors create books affordably and easily.  The best self publishing companies are able to provide a wide range of self publishing services including marketing, format, book covers, professional editing, graphic design, distribution services and much more. But finding the right company to assist in the publishing effort is important to both the overall success of the book and the opportunity to turn a profit. Prospective authors should look for self publishing companies that have a history of providing quality services, are customer friendly, and offer upfront pricing to avoid any surprises.

“Outskirts Press offers the best overall value of any self publishing program we reviewed,” said Brian Dolezal, of TopConsumerReviews.com.  “Their website is the best organized, with easy to find information, upfront pricing, and user friendly services.  We found that authors appreciate the one-on-one assistance provided by the individuals at Outskirts, to help them from start to finish in both publishing and launching a new book. The affordable pricing at Outskirts is also a major plus when choosing this company. Outskirts Press offers the total package in self publishing services.”

To find out more about Outskirts Press visit http://OutskirtsPress.com. For Top Consumer Review’s review of Outskirts Press, visit TopConsumerReviews.com here.

About Outskirts Press

Outskirts Press offers high-quality, full-service self-publishing and book marketing services for writers and professionals who are seeking a cost-effective, fast, and flexible way to publish and distribute their books worldwide while retaining 100% of their rights, 100% of their profits, and 100% of the creative control.

About TopConsumerReviews.com

TopConsumerReviews.com is a leading provider of independent reviews and rankings of hundreds of consumer products and services.  From self publishing services to logo design services and website builders, TopConsumerReviews.com delivers in-depth product evaluations in order to make purchasing decision easier.